Rev. Michael Allan Smith, a native of Atlanta, GA, answered the call to ministry in 1977. He graduated from Morehouse College with a B.A. in Business Administration and a minor in music in 1974. Rev. Smith is a graduate of the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) with an M.Div. degree in Pastoral Care and Christian Education in 1980. In 1995, the Southern California School of Ministry conferred upon him the Doctor of Divinity degree.
Rev. Smith’s pastoral experience includes three congregations: Cove Road Church of God in Lafayette, GA (1980-1985), Cedar Avenue Church of God in Sharon, PA (1985-1998), and Community Church of God in Atlanta, GA (1998-2020). Rev. Smith brought financial stability to the Cove Road Church of God, a small rural church in North Georgia. As a result of fiscal growth at the Cedar Avenue Church of God, a new sanctuary was built. While in Sharon, PA, Pastor Smith served as president of the Mercer County Branch NAACP, addressing and confronting the inequities of hiring people of color in schools, steel mills, and other places of businesses in the Shenango Valley. He also served as president of the Sharon Clergy Association, board member of Sanctuary, Inc., and chair of the credentials and committee of the Church of God in Western Pennsylvania, Emlenton, PA. Nationally, Pastor Michael has served the Church of God as the Associate Dean, Associate Director, and Director of the In-Service Training Institute, an institute that trains lay leaders for ministry. Rev. Smith served as a former member of the Task Force Committee and Chairperson for the Program Committee of the National Association of the Church of God (West Middlesex, PA) and a member of the Program Committee and on the nominating committee for the International Church of God Convention in Anderson, IN., his denomination’s headquarters. A visionary leader who believes in the unity of believers and works diligently to develop ecumenical relationships, 1998 he joined the Concerned Black Clergy of Atlanta. Community Church hosts the Concerned Black Clergy even today. His father, Rev. Rudolph Smith, was one of the founding members of this organization. In 2001, he was instrumental in organizing the Cascade Ministerial Fellowship. As a community advocate, Pastor Michael was a member of the Mayor’s Faith-Based Initiative Coalition and the founder and chairman of the former Community Empowerment and Development Corporation (CEDC), a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission was “to empower the Cascade community by providing stability to our youth, adults, and families through education and employment.” He also chaired the Community Advisory Board for the Morehouse School of Medicine. Rev. Smith's legacy upon retirement was the fiscal growth of Community Church, retiring with a church free of debt and with land and building acquisitions. Rev. Smith launched The Kingdom Project a capital fund campaign to expand the church's campus so that Community Church can better execute its vision and mission.
Rev. Smith serves as State Pastor of the Georgia Fellowship of the Church of God and has been instrumental in revitalizing this ministry. Through his leadership, the fellowship is experiencing growth in leadership development and training. He also serves as the General Secretary to Bishop Timothy J. Clarke for the Berean Leadership Conference. Rev. Michael A. Smith is married to Rev. Felecia Pearson Smith, and they are the parents of two adult children, Allan Rudolph (deceased), Allyson Felecia Smith, and one grandson, Allan Vincent Smith.
Melissa Pedrowski
Chief Marketing Officer
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